Lifeguard Consulting

When your hospital is drowning we are who you call.

Hospital turnaround consultant specialist with a proven track record of successful hospital turnarounds. Contact us for hospital turnaround strategies, consulting and professional services.

Problem review and defining of key components

For very low cost fee plus travel you will be given an onsite analysis of your current operations with consideration for given perceived issues driving poor performance. Utilizing 30 years of experience we will probe deeper and evaluate the social aspects as well as the operational barriers to performance. At the end of the day and a half visit you will be given an oral presentation of our findings and if time allows a quote for us to provide additional follow-up and or implementation.

Problem review and plan of action

If the client requests the additional service of a plan of action we will take a longer period of time to analyze the problem and develop a plan of action with a reasonable time line of implementation.  Goals that have to be accomplished toward a central objective will be highlighted, and key players for accountability for results will be identified. We will also identify any people, projects or programs that are barriers to performance and success of objectives, and as well provide suggestions as to how to remove those barriers in a politically appropriate manner. Once the plan of action with analysis of problem is presented, we stand ready to provide mentoring for implementation, leadership of implementation, or simply periodic reporting of results.

Interim CEO services

During time of leadership transition an interim CEO can be provided to lead the organization during the lengthy search of a new CEO. If financial resources are a problem, in addition to providing interim leadership, we can conduct the search process for the Board as part of our interim services. This unique service allows a very customized and accurate approach to recruiting being led by a person that knows exactly the type of CEO needed for the requirements of the organization.

CEO mentoring

Many time a person is promoted to CEO in a smaller hospital that is a “first time” CEO, and could use the council of an older experienced executive. This is especially true in situations where the person promoted came up through the clinical ranks. All great CEOs attribute their skills to two or three mentors they had as they were coming up the ladder. It is our approach to not make decisions for a new CEO but provide them with someone to discuss issues with in a fear free environment, so that they can sharpen their skills

Board and CEO assessment

Politics and cultural fit have destroyed more organizations than anything the government has ever done with reimbursement, and 90% of the time this problem is at the top. We provide a service where we individually interview each board member and member of senior management. At the end we provide a no holds barred meeting where we honestly tell both parties where the break down in accountability and responsibility occur. Our purpose is never to lay the ground work for the removal of a CEO but to educate both parties as to roles, responsibilities and components of trust that must be given.

 Market Analysis and plan development

We will provide a serious review and plan for your market that goes way beyond pretty pictures, statistics and graphs. We will understand the true nuances of your unique market and help you develop a plan that incorporates basic sales supported by advertising not the other way around.  We will evaluate your unique situation and determine from the key players what your product is perceived as and how to cut your own niche out of the existing market. Essentially, we will evaluate your brand and help you figure out how to improve it and then sell it to the consumer.